Costa Rica – Week 9

Just one week left at work! This week, I’m reflecting a bit on my time in Costa Rica and my takeaways from living in this country for 2 months. Next week, my blog entry will focus on my internship and the experiences I had at Boston Scientific this summer. This trip...

Week 9: Internship Accomplishments

As week 7 of 8 at Boston Scientific comes to a close, I want to reflect on my accomplishments at my internship this summer. During my first internship at a medical device company, I was able to see many aspects of the design and manufacturing processes. I have been in...

Week 9: Internship Part I

Week 9: Internship Overview Part I There is only one week left of the internship and one week left in Costa Rica. For these last two blog entries (this weeks and next weeks), I want to talk about my internship and my projects. Perhaps, if you are reading this with an...