
Matthew Wettergreen, PhD
Director, Global Medical Innovation and Applied Master of Bioengineering
Teaching Professor; Bioengineering | Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen
George R. Brown School of Engineering and Computing • Rice University
Bioengineering-MS 142 • BRC 174 • 6100 Main St., Houston, TX 77005
Email: mwettergreen@rice.edu
Matthew Wettergreen is Director of the Global Medical Innovation Master of Bioengineering program and the Program Director of the NSF-funded I-ACED Scholar Program at Rice University. He is also an Associate Teaching Professor at the award-winning Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen (OEDK) at Rice University, recruited as the first full-time faculty hire in 2013. At the OEDK he co-developed the engineering design curriculum, including the flagship first-year engineering design course and the Prototyping and Fabrication course. Wettergreen is the co-author of the textbook Introduction to Engineering Design. Over nearly fifteen years of developing client-based engineering design courses and with a deep interest in engineering education, Dr. Wettergreen has deployed engineering design curriculum and helped to support the development of makerspaces on five continents. His design work has been featured on the cover of NASA Tech Briefs, in the Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, Make Magazine, and Texas Monthly.