How many times have you heard the phrase “communication is key”? Probably a lot. However in healthcare, this phrase takes on a whole new meaning. When things are not communicated properly, it can mean the difference between life and death. While Professor Howard did a great job of teaching us about medical mistakes and their impact on healthcare, seeing a medical mistake in real life was an eye-opening experience.

This week, on rounds with Dra. Barrantes and Dr. Bogantes, I saw an MRI of a patient with septic cavernous sinus thrombosis. While looking at the MRI, Dr. Bogantes pointed out that it was apparent to him that there was a severe problem. However, the radiologist who had reviewed the imaging did not think it was serious and assumed it was a tumor that didn’t require immediate action. Unfortunately, because of this lack of communication, the patient passed away. This emphasized the importance of communication in healthcare.

I think there is a lesson in there for everyone. Whether its healthcare or engineering or simply being a student, without communication, things can go wrong. As an engineer and biomedical innovator, I hope to be a goof communicator who can collaborate effectively with others to achieve our common goals. I am really enjoying pediatric neurology and feel that each day brings a new perspective with many new clinical cases.

 See ya later,
