Final Summer Thoughts: What is bioengineering, anyway?

Many people asked me at the beginning of the summer if I was a bioengineer and in response, I would say no. Two months later, I’m at the end of my first experience in a real-world medical technologies company, but I still find myself occasionally Googling phrases like...

Making Waves

Premature babies are a little population with a big vulnerability, and thanks to modern technology, even the tiniest preterm baby has a shot at survival. However, in low-to-mid income countries (LMIC), these babies don’t receive the nutrients they desperately need to...

Risky Business

When do you allow yourself to take a risk? Would you dive off a rocky cliff without knowing what’s at the base? What about buying a new book from the store because the description sounded interesting? These situations are clearly polar opposites, but they’re both...

A little too “Qué chiva”

I hate shopping for shoes. It’s not that I don’t like shoes; I know what looks good to me and I like how they visually pull outfits together. However, shoes go through daily wear and tear constantly contacting the ground for walking, running, standing, and more....

Y ahora, algo un poco diferente (ESPAÑOL)

This week’s blog was brought to you by copious amounts of translating and conjugations via Feel free to plug this directly into Google Translate or read the English version HERE. Next week will be in English again, I promise. ¡Hola a todos! No puedo...

Y ahora, algo un poco diferente (ENGLISH)

This is the English version of my blog post. Hi everyone! I can’t believe we’ve been in Costa Rica for a month. It’s been almost a month since I wrote my SMART Goals, so now’s a good time to reflect a bit on a specific one. One of my goals was...