DialOasis Prototyping

  Before arriving in Costa Rica, several people warned us about all of the bugs, but I managed to leave the Central Valley after a week and a half without a single bite, which made me think that those people didn’t know what they were talking about. Boy, was I...
Don’t Sweat It

Don’t Sweat It

  You know how people always say that you never know what you have until it’s gone? Well, those people are right. Since arriving in Guanacaste on Monday, there have been quite a few new adventures. For starters, Sanjana and I found out that the shower in our room...

Pura Vida

  Remember how I said this year would take me way out of my comfort zone? It turns out that it only took about four days. Those four days, from landing in San Jose to our first free day in La Sabana, have included both of my suitcases being left in Houston,...