Week 8: A Little on Costa Rica

Nearly two months have passed now since we boarded the plane to Costa Rica. I didn’t know what to expect and perhaps, as a prospective student Dear Reader (if that is what you are), you are unsure as well. After this little blog there are two more entries before I am...

Week Seven – Live and Learn

There are good weeks. These weeks leave you feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride—a knowledge that time has passed and you’ve leapt forward into new territory, conquered fading enemies, completed missions, made new connections, even found a niche in the world...

Week 6: Expectations and Inspirations

We are now more than half way through our Costa Rican experience and this past week was spent in an intensive, collaborative medical product design quick course. With twenty Costa Rican engineering students from a variety of majors, representing the major universities...

Liberia and GMI

Let me tell you a story.   A Costa Rican man wakes before dawn. His family, wife and five children, sleep soundly though the house—open to the outside as there is no door—is warm, the air sticky and filled with the buzz of insects. He pulls a long sleeve shirt...

Week 4: Prototypes and Communication

While we (Michael, Erica, and myself) were sitting in the hot springs in Arenal this past Saturday, Michael asked us what the most challenging part of the internship has been. The answer was simple and immediate: the language barrier. I speak rudimentary Spanish. When...