Week 10: Patience Is A Virtue

Week 10: Patience Is A Virtue

With only one week left, I find myself looking back and contemplating about Week 1 here at our internships. I still recall those feelings that I had on the first few days at a job because of having to learn everyone’s names, their roles, how to get around the site,...

Week 10: Wrapping Up

If you remember from Week 9, the nonstandard orders we were using to conduct our experiment were finally supposed to begin production this Monday. I arrived early Monday morning to ensure everything ran smoothly, only to find out that a problem came up over the...
Feedback for Improvement

Feedback for Improvement

This week, I spent a large portion of my time focusing on my task of receiving feedback from the members of the DA team about working at BSC. I created an interview guide and met with each member of the team individually to talk about the positive aspects of their...
Week 10: Seeing The Bigger Picture

Week 10: Seeing The Bigger Picture

As we dive into our final four days of our internships with Boston Scientific, I honestly feel that I have just begun drilling deeper into the neuromodulation iceberg. Whereas in many internships, this is the time where things begin winding down, my work has ramped up...
Still Learning Lots

Still Learning Lots

With one week left at Boston, I am trying to tie up loose ends and complete my work. My two technical reports for the coating project are still in limbo awaiting approval; I am hoping that this will occur on Monday. The delay is largely due to scheduling conflicts...