Diving In

Diving In

For the first half of this week I felt like my internship was off to a slow start, which is typical for any new hire during the onboarding process, but on Wednesday, my workload went from 0 to 100 (for those unfamiliar with this phrase, it just means that things...

Week 7: The Engineering Nomad

Waking up three minutes before the bus was supposed to depart for work on Friday is never a pleasant experience, but when the rush to get ready and out the door (in the same time it takes to brew the corporate coffee in the office) is all said and done, all I could...

Week 7: Getting The Ball Rolling

I always thought I wanted to work in a small company. And maybe I still do. But I have most definitely enjoyed working at Boston Scientific due to the wide access of its large interconnected web of intelligent minds. I assumed that working in a smaller company allows...

Toeing the Line (of Manufacturing)

I had a busy week at Boston, full of learning, training, and projects. I got to tour the manufacturing line of a device that I am working on, watch a live-video heart procedure, and get excited about packaging engineering. It was a great week and I am learning a lot...

Week 6: Stimulated.

I was just recently video chatting with a friend back in the states, and it was incredible to hear about her new position as an ophthalmic technician in Boston. She described her busy work schedule, how she already had begun working with patients in as little as her...